Aggregation TAP Booster

Lossless Aggregation

Conventional Aggregation TAP solutions often feature output ports with the same speed as the network links. This causes oversubscription on the output port of the TAP, causing valuable packets to be lost. By aggregating network traffic to a 10 Gbps output, no packet loss occurs. Whether traffic is forwarded to a Network Packet Broker or an IOTA, the Profitap Booster delivers lossless aggregation, while also reducing network complexity.


Dual Output LC TAP
Dual Output LC TAP

The Booster SPAN Aggregation TAP connects 8 x 10/100/1G out-of-band connections to one 1/10G output port, providing traffic aggregation and speed conversion in a single compact device.

The Booster SPAN supports ingress VLAN tagging, allowing you to identify traffic from each individual port.

Speed Conversion

Many high throughput devices like network packet brokers feature ports designed for 40/100 Gbps operation. With breakout cables, individual connections at 10 Gbps can be established, but lower speeds are often not a possibility. This means that lower speed links, such as 100-FX, cannot be forwarded directly to the toolset.

The Profitap Booster converts these links into a single 10 Gbps output, bringing additional speeds to new and existing tools in a cost-effective way.


2-Link SC Fiber TAP
2-Link SC Fiber TAP

The Booster In-Line Gigabit Copper Aggregation TAP connects 4 x 10/100/1G in-line links to one 1/10G output port, providing fail-safe traffic aggregation and speed conversion in a single compact device.

The Booster supports ingress VLAN tagging, as well as link failure propagation (LFP) — a feature which transmits link failure errors between ports, allowing the network to activate a redundant path, while the TAP stays available for auto-negotiation.